The only picture I’ve ever managed to grab of this bread because it always disappears too quickly.

The only picture I’ve ever managed to grab of this bread because it always disappears too quickly.

If you know me personally, you know I LOVE some Carrot Cake. I’ve had it for almost every birthday or special celebration with my family my entire life. We even had it as our wedding cake. That’s how much of a favorite it is in our household. But because we’re trying to be healthier together, it doesn’t bode well for our diet (or wallet) to always have a carrot cake on the counter. So I wanted to create a super simple, not necessarily the healthiest (but it could be a lot worse), option for our Sunday brunch cheat days and whenever we’re craving a sweet fix.

While this bread is absolutely delicious on its own, if you’re looking for more of a dessert option you can add my almost actual cake like cinnamon cream cheese frosting perfect for any sweet tooth.

Because we are trying to maintain a healthier household overall here are a few tips for this recipe:

  1. We NEVER use white sugar in our house. Often times white sugar is made using sulfur dioxide and bone char (it’s exactly as it sounds i.e: charred bone fragments) to filter the sugar and help it get that bright white color. While we aren’t a vegan household, we do our best to avoid highly processed foods whenever possible and believe in eating more natural unrefined foods. We like to stick with unrefined cane sugar, or raw turbinado sugar, which end up having even more overall flavor due to the lack of over-processing. Our favorite is Zulka Morena Sugar and is found everywhere from Safeway to Walmart.

  2. When baking with oils, you want to use a neutrally flavored oil to preserve the natural flavors of the recipe. The best oils I’ve found for baking are Canola Oil (if saturated fats are a concern) or Coconut Oil.

  3. If you are trying to cut back on the amount of oils in your diet as a whole, applesauce is a really great baking substitute for oil. To keep the creamy texture that oil adds, make sure you add a splash of milk (either 2% or whole milk or full fat coconut milk if vegan). Keep in mind, this will change the flavor and texture of the bread some, but it will still be delicious!

  4. For a great vegan option, eggs can be substituted at any time for a mixture of 2 1/2 teaspoons of finely ground flaxseeds and 3 tablespoons of water per egg needed. Whisk the mixture together until it becomes gelatinous in texture. If after a few minutes, it still isn’t forming a gel add just a pinch more of ground flaxseeds at a time until the gel forms.


Print this recipe card to keep in your home recipe binder! 👇🏻

Carrot Cake Card.png

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